Killer Mans Sons Motorcycle Club

Our History

One of the strongest of human desires over the years is the desire to belong. To feel like you have a place to be yourself. To have people you can depend on. Those who have served in the military, and specifically the special operations world, know this feeling. Members of the 75th Ranger Regiment know this feeling. Unfortunately, too many also know what it is like to leave that place, that sense of belonging, that Brotherhood. For years Rangers have ridden together, into battle and recreationally. Robert Rogers Rangers riding into battle on horseback, World War II Rangers riding through the countryside on their motorcycles after returning home from years in theatre, or modern day Rangers riding helicopters into the dusty horizons of the middle east. We ride together. For those who have ended their time in service, the desire to ride with our Brothers has diminished not at all. Nor has the camaraderie we felt standing shoulder to shoulder as we watched a fallen Brother make the journey home. This Brotherhood is borne out of risking our lives for the benefit of others, by defending our country, and by helping those we care about. This camaraderie and feeling of belonging has been found in few places throughout the years. It is not something that everyone, or even a large number of people, ever experience. And for those who have experienced it, it is not something you ever wish to leave. Which has led us to where we are today. The Killer Man’s Sons Motorcycle Club was officially founded on the first of February 2012, but as you can probably guess we trace our origins back a bit further. We encourage and cultivate this sense of Brotherhood by spending time together, taking care of each other, and taking care of the Fallen and their families. After the Vietnam conflict, division and brigade commanders determined that the U.S. Army needed elite, rapidly deployable light infantry, so in 1974 General Creighton Abrams constituted the 1st Ranger Battalion; eight months later, the 2nd Ranger Battalion was constituted, and in 1984 the 3rd Ranger Battalion and their regimental headquarters were created. In 1986, the 75th Ranger Regiment was formed and their military lineage formally authorized. For more history visit the U.S. Army Ranger Association’s Website: